Account Representatives

Need help with your student account?

Toll Free

Out of Area

Select "0" for "Operator"

Each student is assigned a representative from the ODU Office of Finance Student Accounts / Accounts Receivable department, based on the first letter of your last name. If you have discovered an error or have a question about your charges, your representative would like to hear from you.

  • Please be sure to include identification information (student name and UIN) in any written or email correspondance.
  • Please allow 2-3 business days for return calls and e-mails.

Student Account Representatives

Assigned by first latter of student's last name:

Last Name Begins With Representative
A - F Allie Maglicco
G - M Vanessa Dukes
N - Z Alexis Reeder
Lead Account Specialist Lourena Miles-Sawyer


If there is a vacancy for your last name, email to be put in touch with a representative.

Campus Cashier WIndow

Get help or conduct in-person transactions at the Cashiering Window on campus, located in Rollins Hall. You can also use our meeting link to schedule an online 1:1 appointment with a student account representative.

NOTE: The Cashiering window does not accept credit card payments. Card payments can only be made online (via LeoOnline portal). See Payment Options for details on acceptable payment methods.